Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Small steps of the Leviathan.

12th Sept: Here is the latest movement of the current House of Lords reform bill. When I use the term 'leviathan', I'm more referring to the size and seemingly unshakeable nature of the House of Lords, rather than any demonic gatekeeper of hell's mouth!

14th Sept: And here you can follow the path of the Reform Bill, (next stage is Committee Stage on 21st October), along with links to other bills of interest to you. It might seem like a fusty system, but it's almost a living-breathing thing. Democracy in action, even if it isn't one's own personal 'take' on democracy.

Members are thinking and debating and that has to count for something on the road to reform, though taking care of the partisan lines of the future in the bill, is embedding rather than re-forming.

16th Sept: I have to keep updating this page. On the referendum for reform.

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